Since the launch of this site, I have been pushing to complete more projects and expand my knowledge base. I spent some time on the Merkur Club website, completing all but one final PayPal integration piece, which the client wants to wait on until after the club's main event in the beginning of June. I then turned to furthering my knowledge in the Javascript realm.
Javascript has still been a work in progress for me, and in a book I'm working through there is a large JQuery section that I had been putting off until I felt more confident in JS. I decided to read into those chapters a bit, just to get an idea for what JQuery was all about. Shortly into my reading did I realize that JQuery could be an incredible tool for expanding my JS use. One issue I've had with JS is navigating the DOM easily. JQuery's use of CSS Selectors all but eliminates any confusion. I now realize that my issues have been around using incorrect selectors when hand coding pure Javascript.
As I prepped to explore JQuery, I went down the rabbit hole that is Gulp, which is a task manager that I had heard of but didn't fully understand. I knew that I wanted to use NPM to easily install and manage project dependecies, thus allowing other users to work with my projects with ease, and I wanted live reloading of my local dev environment while I coded. Previously I was using a static environment that we had setup when I first started my Front End Dev class, which worked great but didn't have live reload, and I also didn't understand how it worked. So now I have Gulp and BrowserSync all setup, and so far am really happy with the ease of use.
Once I was all setup with a new local dev environment, I started playing around with JQuery. My goal is to build out a bunch of tools that I can use in future projects, so tonight I started with a toggle nav. I previously built one with pure Javascript on this site, but it took my quite a while to figure out the logic. JQuery allowed me to figure it out almost immediately. I'm ecstatic with the functionality and can't wait to keep learning.